My Best Friend is a Mono-Cultural; Does that make me a traitor?

Recently, I’ve been somewhat convicted by the thought that I am betraying my TCK upbringing by claiming to be best friends with a mono-cultural (someone who has grown up in the same place/region as their passport). What prompted this thought was that I was with a group of TCKs and the topic of engaging with mono-culturals came up and I was unpleasantly shocked by what I heard. One of the first things uttered was “well, they can’t relate to us at all” and this was followed by “also, we are considerably more mature than our mono-cultural counterparts”. Honestly, hearing these things made me want to denounce my TCK loyalties entirely. It was frustrating to hear these things because one of the things we (the TCK community) pride ourselves in is being tolerant and accepting of other cultures… ...except the culture of our passport, apparently. After hearing these comments, in a moment of weakness due to being baffled by this arrogance, I turned it on them and asked them if the...